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1. Why do you show the out of stock items?

We want this website to be a research resource for our customers, and not just a store. So we leave the out of stock items visible so that collectors can still see the photos, and read the descriptions. If we obtain these vehicles again, we update the inventory.

2. Can I view just what is in stock? Yes, The "sort" pull down menu includes "in stock" which sorts each category by just the items that are in stock.

3. Do you ship globally?

Yes, we ship to every country in the world, except those that have a US Embargo.

4. How often do you ship: We typically ship all orders within 3-5 Business Days

5. If I buy multiple items, are shipping costs reduced. 

Yes, absolutely. Our shipping costs are calculated by the current USPS rates for First Class parcels in the USA, and International First for all other countries

6. How often do you restock your inventory?

Daily, we add both New and Vintage items to our inventory each day.

 7. Do you take orders?

Yes, if you are looking for a particular item that is out of stock, or a vintage diecast item that we do not have, we will search our contacts to try and find one for you.

Last but not least

8. How did you decide which cars would be used for the Drive In movie vehicles on the home page?

All of those cars belong to GDD employees, with the exception of the 32 Roadster which belongs to the artist that created the Drive-In panes!