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Racing Champions - America's Finest - NYPD 1967 Plymouth Fury Expand

Racing Champions - America's Finest - NYPD 1967 Plymouth Fury


Racing Champions - America's Finest - NYPD 1967 Plymouth Fury

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Now that the Racing Champions, Auto World, and Johnny Lighting brands are all under the same company, we are starting to see some croosover between the brands.

This one make a lot of sense. The America's Finest series started under JL, and is now a RC series. RC had the Police series for many years, where they offered Police Cars in the colors of real cities/states. So this is a nice transition of brining the brands together, and it will be wonderful to see new city/state police car/truck castings from new communitys. 

This is the NYPD 67 Plymouth Fury. The casting is originally a JL casting, and is now part of the RC America's Finest lineup. We hope this philosophy gives us many more of the older castings again!

If you collect Racing Champions, MOPAR, NYPD, or Police vehicles, this is a very colorful addition for your collection (1:64 Scale)

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Racing Champions - America's Finest - NYPD 1967 Plymouth Fury

Racing Champions - America's Finest - NYPD 1967 Plymouth Fury